Testimonial and Feedback Form
Thank you for considering a testimonial or feedback! Testimonials help other customers understand the applications for and benefits of our products. It also helps us understand how we can improve and communicate better. And feedback gives us a chance to learn and grow as a company.
Please fill out as much or as little as you would like; we don’t need every field (aside from the contact information, which won’t be published). This isn’t just for publication — If you have time, we’ll accept any and all of the feedback you have. We will read it all and learn the best we can.
And if you would prefer to call us or email, that’s absolutely welcome as well: (513) 489-5130 and contactus@geschmidt.com.
Testimonial Format A
First Name, Last Initial, State
We would like to use your first name, last initial, and state/province. Here’s an idea of how your testimonial would look on our website:
This is how your testimonial would appear on geschmidt.com. It would include your first name, last initial and state or province.
Mike T., Ohio
Testimonial Format B
First Name, Last Name, Company
With your permission, we will use your first name, last name and company name on the testimonial. Please ensure you have the proper permissions before selecting this option.
This is how your testimonial would appear on geschmidt.com. It would include your first name, last name and company.
Michael Truax, G.E. Schmidt
We may lightly edit the comment for clarity, but we won’t change the substance or tone of anything you say. If we ask for your honest feedback, we’ll respect it. And if you ever want a quote removed, just let us know.
Thank you again for your feedback. It’s invaluable to us.
– The GES Team