Ceramic Nut Welding Pins
Ceramic weld pins, made from Cerazur® (in blue) and Volcera® (gray) and Cinceram™ aluminas, are the toughest in the resistance welding industry. Many new materials are abrasive to most coated pins. With solid ceramic pins, however, there are no coatings to wear off.
The heat-resistant and non-conductive ceramic pin materials help achieve consistency over hundreds of thousands or millions of welds, without the need for constant downtime and replacement.
The weld pins are available in three standard noses, for automatic feeders (such as SEKI nut feeders) or hand-fed applications, with standard diameters to 0.1 mm stamping hole diameter.
See the stock configurations of Doceram’s welding pins in the catalog at the bottom of the page, or contact G.E. Schmidt today for information on custom pins.
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